[VIDEO] Long Lines & Technical Issues Reported for Floyd Advanced Voters

[VIDEO] Long Lines & Technical Issues Reported for Floyd Advanced Voters

October 12th, 2020 – 5:00 PM

Floyd County Election Board – 

In-person advance voting for the November 3 General Election began today on October 12th in Rome and Floyd County….

Election Officials reported longer than anticipated lines and waiting times, and also technical difficulties soon after large crowds of early voters came to cast their votes.

According to the Floyd County Elections Office, Issues with the internet connection at the Garden Lakes Baptist location, as well as a unexpected change made to the electronic pollbooks seemed to be the primary issues.

In Floyd County, you can vote early until October 30th from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. weekdays at the Floyd County Administration Building Community Room on East Fourth Avenue or at Garden Lakes Baptist Church on Redmond Circle, and You will also be able to vote on October 19th – 23th at the Floyd County Health Department on East 12th Street.

For more on this, please see the video below: